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Robert Fabbri is an award-winning author of historical fiction novels.

Born in Geneva, Switzerland, he attended Christ’s Hospital School, Horsham and later London University where he studied Drama and Theatre.

Robert served as an assistant director in the film and television industries for a quarter century, working on productions such as Hornblower, Hellraiser, Patriot Games and Billy Elliot.

A passionate ancient war-gamer and a lover of Roman Historical Fiction, Robert now writes full-time.

He divides his time between London and Berlin, and enjoys writing in his study in Berlin while listening to classical music.

More about Robert Fabbri

Genre: Historical Fiction

Born: 1961



Non Series

  • Arminius: The Limits of the Empire (2017)

Alexander's Legacy Series

  1. To the Strongest (2020)
  2. The Three Paradises (2021)

Crossroads Brotherhood Series

  1. The Crossroads Brotherhood (2011)
  2. The Racing Factions (2013)
  3. The Dreams of Morpheus (2014)
  4. The Alexandrian Embassy (2015)
  5. The Imperial Triumph (2017)
  6. The Succession: A Magnus Short Story (2018)
  7. Magnus and the Crossroads Brotherhood: The complete collection (2020)

Vespasian Series

  1. Tribune of Rome (2011)
  2. Rome's Executioner (2011)
  3. False God of Rome (2013)
  4. Rome's Fallen Eagle (2013)
  5. Masters of Rome (2014)
  6. Rome's Lost Son (2015)
  7. The Furies of Rome (2016)
  8. Rome's Sacred Flame (2018)
  9. Emperor of Rome (2019)

Detailed book overview

Non Series

Arminius: The Limits of the Empire

The year is A.D. 9.

Deep in Teutoburg Wald, in a region split by ravines, Arminius of the Cherusci commanded a confederation of six Germanic tribes in the destruction of three Roman legions.

At the heart of the woods, nearly twenty thousand men were ruthlessly slaughtered; less than two hundred of them lived to see the other side of the Rhine.

And on that fateful day, three sacred Eagles belonging to Rome were lost.

But Arminius wasn’t originally from Germania. He was brought up as a Roman.

This is the tale of how he betrayed his people in the worst possible way.

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2017
ISBN: 978-1782397014
Publisher: Atlantic Books

Alexander's Legacy Series

To the Strongest

The year is 323 BC in Babylon. Alexander the Great is no more.

While on his deathbed, Alexander avoids any mention of a successor.

Who will take over the largest and most dreaded empire in history?

As reports of the king’s sudden demise spreads, causing widespread shock and sadness, a vicious battle for the crown begins.

Thus marks the beginning of a deceitful and sophisticated web of planning and conspiring, with the making and breaking of alliances becoming a mainstream thing.

Who will take over the reins of power?

The half-chosen? The one-eyed? The wildcat? The general? The bastard? Or the regent?

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2020
ISBN: 978-1786497970
Publisher: Corvus
The Three Paradises

The unexpected demise of Alexander the Great has left the largest and most dreaded empire in history without an heir.

As the battle to secure the crown intensifies, vicious ploys and battles erupt, leaving everyone vulnerable.

As battles are won and lost on land and sea, promises are given and shattered, while long-held secrets are unearthed in an effort to uncover the real cause of the king’s death.

Was Alexander killed? If so, who is responsible?

Was he intentionally causing sabotage by refusing to name a successor?

Who will ultimately take over the reins of power, if at all the empire survives?

Only one person will stand supreme…

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2021
ISBN: 978-1786498038
Publisher: Corvus

Crossroads Brotherhood Series

The Crossroads Brotherhood

The year is 25 AD in Rome.

Marcus Salvius Magnus, Patron of the Crossroads Brotherhood, has a lot on his plate.

Priceless items have been stolen from one of the brothels under his protection following an attack by an opposing Brotherhood.

Humiliated by the plunder, he is determined to revenge for the raid.

But how could he strike back without starting a brotherhood war?

Meanwhile, Lady Antonia–the emperor’s sister-in-law–reveals to Senator Gaius Vespasius Pollo that she wants to unleash vengeance.

Who better than Magnus to undertake a straightforward execution?

Will Marcus manage to successfully complete the two tasks?

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2011
Ebook: B006G0VH1E
Publisher: Corvus
The Racing Factions

The year is 32 AD.

A passionate supporter of the Green Racing Faction, Marcus Salvius Magnus places a bet, only for Ignatius, the bookmaker, to attempt extorting him—attracting the fury of Magnus and that of the South Quirinal Crossroads Brotherhood.

Meanwhile, Magnus’s patron, Gaius Vespasius Pollo, is rooting for his nephew, Sabinus, to be chosen as a quaestor.

But in order to do this, he’ll need the approval of feared senior consul, Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus, who Magnus can talk to.

Given that Ahenobarbus loves the Red Faction at the circus, could Magnus use the same tactic to win over the approval of Ahenobarbus and unleash vengeance on Ignatius?

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2013
Ebook: B00DAJ5V02
Publisher: Corvus
The Dreams of Morpheus

The year is AD 34 in Rome.

Marcus Salvius Magnus, head of the Crossroads Brotherhood, is on the hunt for the resin of an eastern flower that can unleash the realm of Morpheus. Senator Pollo, his patron, is after it in an effort to settle a debt he owes the Lady Antonia—the most influential woman in Rome.

Meanwhile, revolt is gradually brewing in Magnus’ region.

As the October festival begins, chaos takes centre stage.

Could Magnus help reach an amicable agreement with the scorned locals who feel shortchanged in the issuing of the grain dole?

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2014
Ebook: B00ILZ5OWA
Publisher: Corvus
The Alexandrian Embassy

The year is AD 39 in Rome.

Marcus Salvius Magnus, head of the Crossroads Brotherhood, is purchasing a lethal consignment of illegal weaponry.

However, when things don’t go as planned, and Magnus loses the goods which could solidify his supremacy over Rome’s criminal underworld, he knows that he has to recover them at all costs.

As the opposing West Viminal Brotherhood threatens his sabotage his mission, Magnus must outsmart his enemies while dealing with the threat of the law and the demands of his patron.

With foes, danger and conspiracies at every turn, will Magnus live long enough to ascertain victory?

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2015
Ebook: B010KMZSYA
Publisher: Corvus
The Imperial Triumph

The year is 44 AD in Rome.

Returning home having spent three years serving Emperor Claudius’s interests in Britannia, Marcus Salvius Magnus is determined to reassert his position as head of the South Quirinal Crossroads Brotherhood.

Trouble is however never far by.

For instance, who is kicking out tenants in his region?

How can he pay off a debt to his patron's sister Vespasia Polla?

Meanwhile, his patron, Senator Gaius Vespasius Pollo, wants to illegally reap the rewards of a plunder from the battle in Britannia.

Will Marcus complete the assignment given how much he already has on his plate?

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2017
Ebook: B01N7KC7J7
Publisher: Corvus
The Succession: A Magnus Short Story

The year is 51 AD in Rome.

When the lifeless remains of a reticent astrologer are discovered, Marcus Salvius Magnus, head of the South Quirinal Crossroads Brotherhood, embarks on a quest to find the person responsible.

While conducting investigations, Magnus learns that the astrologer had been creating illegal horoscopes for Rome’s crème de la crème, including his very own patron, Senator Gaius Vespasius Pollo.

Possessing this kind of knowledge can be very deadly.

With danger coming from every corner, threatening all that he has strived for, Magnus must be at his best if he is to outwit his enemies and unravel the mystery.

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2018
Ebook: B077MDS1QS
Publisher: Corvus
Magnus and the Crossroads Brotherhood: The complete collection

Marcus Salvius Magnus is the head of the South Quirinal Crossroads Brotherhood, which has for the longest time exerted influence over the criminal underworld in Rome.

Whenever you have a problem, Magnus is person that you should consult—be it opposing gangs, unsettled dues or blood disputes.

He will stop at nothing to exercise his authority in the back streets of Rome, making some money in the process.

Senator Gaius Vespasius Pollo is the patron of Magnus, and the two individuals share a beneficial relationship.

From the era of Tiberius to Nero, this book is a collection of adventures by one Marcus Salvius Magnus.

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2020
Ebook: B07SPHP8MY
Publisher: Corvus

Vespasian Series

Tribune of Rome

The year is 26 AD.

A young Vespasian departs for Rome, determined to find a patron and join the army just like his brother—only to find an Empire on the verge of destruction.

With Rome under the terror of Sejanus, head of the Praetorian Guard, the elderly emperor Tiberius recedes to Capri.

Although Sejanus has taken over the Empire, many believe his conquest is not yet over.

With his informants everywhere, Vespasian ends up making deadly foes, and even deadlier allies.

As things worsen in Rome, Vespasian takes off and joins an outdated legion on the Balkan frontier.

Will he live long enough to unmask the figures behind the intensifying rebellion?

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2011
Ebook: B00NPP51VK
Publisher: Corvus
Rome's Executioner

The year is AD 30 in Thracia.

Despite serving in the military for four years, the politics of a Rome in chaos still follows Vespasian.

For his next assignment, Vespasian is supposed to capture an old foe from a fortress near Danube.

Failure is not an option, as the subject could play an integral role in the destruction of Sejanus, header of the Praetorian Guard and the man who has besieged Rome.

Although Vespasian will face a number of opposition from attacks in the chilling mountains, pirates on the roaring seas, and Sejanus’s multiple informants, none will be as deadly as the danger at the court of Tiberius, Emperor of Rome.

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2011
ISBN: 978-1848879140
Publisher: Atlantic Books
False God of Rome

The year is AD 33.

While performing his duty as a military officer on the fringes of the Roman Empire, Vespasian is forced to return to Rome due to Tiberius’s degeneracy and the growing grain shortage.

However, when Caligula ascends to the throne, hope abounds, only for things to quickly implode as the youthful Emperor goes on a rampage of bloodshed and abominable activities.

From opulent construction projects, to a frightened senate and a shameless show of affection with his sister Drusilla, none of these compares to his most audacious project of bridging the bay of Neapolis and going over it while adorning Alexander’s breastplate.

But not if Vespasian steals it…

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2013
ISBN: 978-0857897435
Publisher: Corvus
Rome's Fallen Eagle

The year is AD 41.

Claudius has been proclaimed as the Emperor by the Praetorian Guard following the execution of Caligula.

Although his position isn’t secured, his three freedmen—Narcissus, Pallas and Callistus—devise a plan to solidify things; one that involves the recovery of the Eagle of the Seventeenth which vanished in Germania almost four decades ago.

Leading the deadly quest is Vespasian and a tiny band of cavalry.

As they search for the Eagle, they are pursued by lethal men who leave a trail of blood in an effort to jeopardize Vespasian’s mission.

Will Vespasian succeed? Will he avoid the fury of his own Emperor?

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2013
ISBN: 978-0857897466
Publisher: Corvus
Masters of Rome

The year is 45 AD in Britannia.

Sabinus, Vespasian’s brother, has been apprehended by druids.

Determined to offer a sacrifice to their deities, they plan to lure and trap Vespasian so that they can sacrifice the Roman Legates on Midsummer’s Day.

But who do they really want to appease?

What were the deities of this region before the emergence of the Celts? Only the druids know this…

Will Vespasian rescue his brother?

As the reign of Empress Messalina comes to a terrible end, who among the mistresses supported by each of the three freedmen will emerge victorious?

Will it come at a cost to Vespasian?

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2014
ISBN: 978-0857899651
Publisher: Atlantic Books
Rome's Lost Son

The year is AD 51 in Rome.

Vespasian finally captures British warrior Caratacus, the greatest enemy of the Empire, only for Caratacus to be pardoned by Agrippina, the wife of Emperor Claudius.

Claudius is never sober while his freedmen, Narcissus and Pallas, are fighting for power.

Without involving the other, the two send Vespasian to Armenia to safeguard the interests of the Empire.

However, there are bigger problems, as word is that Agrippina wants to sabotage the East.

Narcissus wants to destroy Agrippina while Pallas wants to protect her.

How will Vespasian serve two masters?

The intrigue intensifies when a new Jewish cult rebellious towards the Emperor takes root, while Vespasian is captured in the East.

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2015
ISBN: 978-0857899699
Publisher: Atlantic Books
The Furies of Rome

The year is AD 58.

Emperor Nero’s terror brings Rome to its knees.

As Nero’s overspending intensifies, matters move from bad to worse in Rome, as keeping the conquered regions progressively becomes unsustainable.

Will the Emperor be forced to withdraw from Britannia? What will be the repercussions?

Meanwhile, Vespasian is sent on a covert quest in Londinium, only to become entangled in a vicious rebellion under the command of Boudicca—an incredibly courageous female warrior.

As the revolt gains momentum, Vespasian must outwit the Empire’s foes and finish his assignment before violence erupts in Britannia.

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2016
ISBN: 978-0857899736
Publisher: Corvus
Rome's Sacred Flame

The year is AD 63.

Vespasian, now the Governor of Africa, has been assigned on a mission to a remote kingdom in Africa to free 500 Roman citizens enslaved by a desert empire.

Should he successfully complete the task, Vespasian will be back on friendly terms with Nero.

However, upon reaching the city, he is shocked to find the enslaved people on the brink of rebellion.

With no military to control the population, things can quickly escalate.

Will Vespasian manage to get out of the city with all 500 Roman citizens?

Will they all make it out of the brutal desert alive?

Meanwhile, will Rome survive Nero’s overspending?

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2018
ISBN: 978-1782397069
Publisher: Corvus
Emperor of Rome

The year is AD 68 in Rome.

Vespasian is assigned a monumental task.

Should he suppress the rebellion in Judaea according to the wishes of Emperor Nero, or should he do the inconceivable and jeopardize his own mission?

Should his plan work, he will attract the envy of his crazed Emperor.

However, should it fail, the repercussions will be deadly.

But then everything changes when Nero takes his own life.

With the crown there for the taking and the loyalty of the army on his side, could this very well be Vespasian’s turn to take over the reins of power?

Will he finally fulfill the numerous prophecies?

Author: Robert Fabbri
First Release: 2019
ISBN: 978-1782397106
Publisher: Atlantic Books