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Brian Godawa is an American Hollywood screenwriter, filmmaker, and bestselling author of biblical fiction and inspirational novels.

He has written book series such as Chronicles of the Watchers, Chronicles of the Nephilim, and many more.

A professional writer and filmmaker for more than two decades, he is an award-winning screenwriter best known for his first feature film, "To End All Wars", starring Kiefer Sutherland.

As an author, he is known for writing the book Hollywood Worldviews: Watching Films with Wisdom and Discernment, which has become a widely used textbook in schools across the country.

Godawa also regularly contributes scholarly literature to several journals and professional organizations, whereas his articles on movies and philosophy have been published all over the globe.

He enjoys reading, watching movies, loving his wife, and can never get enough of all of them.

More about Brian Godawa

Genres: Biblical Fiction, Christian, Inspirational, Non-fiction

United States


Chronicles of the Watchers

  1. Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel (2016)
  2. Qin: Dragon Emperor of China (2019)
  3. Moses: Against the Gods of Egypt (2021)


  1. Hollywood Worldviews: Watching Films with Wisdom and Discernment (2002)
  2. The Spiritual World of Ancient China and the Bible: Biblical Background to the Novel Qin: Dragon Emperor of China (2019)
  3. The Spiritual World of Jezebel and Elijah: Biblical Background to the Novel Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel (2019)
  4. The Spiritual World of Moses and Egypt: Biblical Background to the Novel Moses: Against the Gods of Egypt (2020)

Chronicles of the Apocalypse

  1. Tyrant: Rise of the Beast (2017)
  2. Remnant: Rescue of the Elect (2017)
  3. Resistant: Revolt of the Jews (2018)
  4. Judgment: Wrath of the Lamb (2018)

Chronicles of the Nephilim

  1. Noah Primeval (2011)
  2. Enoch Primordial (2012)
  3. Gilgamesh Immortal (2012)
  4. Abraham Allegiant (2013)
  5. Joshua Valiant (2013)
  6. Caleb Vigilant (2013)
  7. David Ascendant (2014)
  8. Jesus Triumphant (2015)

Watchers, The Nephilim, and the Cosmic War of the Seed

  1. When Giants Were Upon the Earth (2014)
  2. When Watchers Ruled the Nations (2020)
Watchers, The Nephilim, and the Cosmic War of the Seed

Detailed book overview

Chronicles of the Watchers

Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel

A Game of Gods. A Clash of Titans.

Ancient Israel thought she was bringing unity, progress and change. She brought Baal, the storm god of Canaan.

870 B.C. Israel. Beautiful Jezebel of Tyre marries King Ahab of Israel to bring peace in a time of war.

But when Jezebel builds a temple of Baal in the heart of Israel, the “mad prophet” Elijah challenges her to a duel of deities.

In the supernatural realm, spiritual warfare breaks out as the demonic Canaanite Watchers led by Baal battle to take the land back from the Archangels who protect the Remnant of Israel.

And so begins the war of gods and men.

NB: This book is also known as The Dragon King.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2016
ISBN: 978-1942858447
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
Qin: Dragon Emperor of China

East Eats West

It’s 220 B.C. The ancient Western Empire is crumbling.

In a desperate bid to save his throne, the Greek king over Babylon sends his son, Antiochus, a dishonored warrior, into the mysterious land of the Far East to capture a mythical creature that will give him absolute power: a dragon.

What Antiochus finds is beyond his imagination:

A mad emperor on a quest of immortality, a beautiful concubine with whom he falls in love, a mysterious power of magic and technology, and the true nature of the dragon that protects this world.

And Antiochus and his companions are not getting out alive.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2019
ISBN: 978-1942858553
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
Moses: Against the Gods of Egypt

More Supernatural Than a Blockbuster Movie

The most beloved story of Israel’s deliverer and the Exodus as you’ve never read it before in a novel. Fully biblical and fully researched in its ancient Egyptian context.

A standalone novel of spiritual warfare, fatherhood and the triumph of love from the Bible.

We all think we know the story: Moses adopted by Pharaoh, discovering his Hebrew identity, fleeing to Midian, falling in love with Zipporah and building a family.

And then Moses being called by Yahweh to return to Egypt to face Pharaoh and bring his people out of slavery.

A War of Gods and Men

But Pharaoh is not the only villain Moses must face. The ten plagues are Yahweh’s war with the gods of Egypt. And those gods are not myths. They are demons. And they are not about to let the Israelites go without a fight.

Egyptian slavery and exodus, Midian freedom, Ten plagues, Ten Commandments, Red Sea parting, Mount Sinai, golden calf, angels and demons. It’s all in this biblically faithful retelling of the supernatural story of Moses against the gods of Egypt.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2021
ISBN: 978-1942858850
Publisher: Warrior Poet Publishing


Hollywood Worldviews: Watching Films with Wisdom and Discernment

Do you watch movies with your eyes open?

You buy your tickets and concessions, and you walk into the theater. Celluloid images flash at twenty-four frames per second, and the hypnotic sequence of moving pictures coaxes you to suspend disbelief and be entertained by the implausible.

Unfortunately, many often suspend their beliefs as well, succumbing to subtle lessons in how to behave, think and even perceive reality. Do you find yourself hoping that a sister will succeed in seducing her sibling's husband, that a thief will get away with his crime, that a serial killer will escape judgment? Do you, too, laugh at the bumbling priest and seethe at the intolerant and abusive evangelist? Do you embrace worldviews that infect your faith and then wonder, after your head is clear, whether your faith can survive the infection?

In this thoroughly revised and updated edition of his popular book, Brian Godawa guides you through the place of redemption in film, the tricks screenwriters use to communicate their messages, and the mental and spiritual discipline required for watching movies. 

Hollywood Worldviews helps you enter a dialogue with Hollywood that leads to a happier ending, one that keeps you aware of your culture and awake to your faith.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2002
ISBN: 978-0830837137
Publisher: IVP
The Spiritual World of Ancient China and the Bible: Biblical Background to the Novel Qin: Dragon Emperor of China

Could the ancient history of China be rooted in the Bible?

Did you know that the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang Di, went mad searching for the elixir of eternal life?

Did you know his tomb is connected to the Tower of Babel in the Bible?

Did you know the language of ancient Chinese reflects the stories of the Bible?

Did you know that there were real dragons in China, but not what you think?

You’ll learn about all these and more hidden facts about ancient China and its connection to the Bible in this booklet that provides the research to the biblical background of the novel Qin: Dragon Emperor of China.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to read the novel to get the tremendous spiritual value out of this booklet.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2019
ISBN: 978-1942858560
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
The Spiritual World of Jezebel and Elijah: Biblical Background to the Novel Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel

A War of Gods and Men.

You’ve heard the Bible story of Elijah vs. Jezebel’s prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. Now discover the spiritual world behind the story.

It’s even more supernatural than you first thought.

Fascinating Biblical things you will learn:

Buy this book and get an education in the spiritual world of the Bible that surrounds the story of Jezebel and Elijah and informs the supernatural premise of the Biblical novel series Chronicles of the Watchers, Chronicles of the Apocalypse and Chronicles of the Nephilim.

Surprising facts about Elijah, Jezebel, Jehu, the mysterious Rechabites and others.

The gods of Canaan, Baal, Anat, Asherah vs. Yahweh and the archangels.

Cosmic mountains, underworld valleys and Sheol.

Sacred prostitution, high places, Cult of the Dead and human sacrifice.

And much more!

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2019
ISBN: 978-1942858461
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
The Spiritual World of Moses and Egypt: Biblical Background to the Novel Moses: Against the Gods of Egypt

“This is the Finger of God!”

You’ve heard the Bible story of Moses and Pharaoh, the Ten Plagues, the Exodus, the parting of the Red Sea, and the Ten Commandments. Now explore the spiritual world behind the story.

It’s even more supernatural than you first thought.

Fascinating Biblical things you will learn:

Surprising facts about Moses, the Pharaoh of the Exodus, Moses’s Cushite wife, Egyptian magicians Jannes and Jambres and others.

The gods of Egypt, Ra, Isis and Osiris, Horus and Set vs. Yahweh and the archangels.

The Ten Plagues as God’s judgment upon the gods of Egypt.

The hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, the date and route of the Exodus, the parting of the Red Sea and the location of Mount Sinai.

How Nephilim giants, Watchers, angels, demons, and pagan gods fit into this biblical story.

And much more!

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2020
ISBN: 978-1942858836
Publisher: Warrior Poet Publishing

Chronicles of the Apocalypse

Tyrant: Rise of the Beast

The Origin Story of the Book of Revelation.

What in the world was going on when John had his visions of apocalypse?

Ancient Rome, A.D. 64. Alexander, a Jewish doctor loyal to Rome, has his life turned upside down when the evil emperor Nero Caesar launches a horrific persecution of Christians.

When Nero discovers that an apostle has written a secret apocalypse about the end of the world, he orders a Roman warrior to hunt down the scroll, destroy it, and kill the author.

But a bold Christian woman named Cassandra holds a dark secret that opens the door to a world of spiritual warfare they’re not ready to face.

It will lead them to the holy city of Jerusalem and to the true meaning of the apocalypse.

It will change their world forever. And yours.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2017
ISBN: 978-1942858256
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
Remnant: Rescue of the Elect

The Hunt for the Apostle John and his Book of Revelation.

Who are the 144,000? Who are the Two Witnesses?

Book 2 in the shocking controversial series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

The isle of Patmos, 66 A.D. Roman warrior Severus is ordered by evil Nero Caesar to kill his target, the Apostle John.

But he is torn between his loyalty to Caesar and to the Christians who saved his life, Alexander and Cassandra.

When they learn the true meaning of the scroll of Revelation, they journey to Jerusalem to warn the Christians, only to find themselves caught up in a Jewish revolt led by fiery Zealots.

Ancient Israel’s world is ending as Nero's Roman armies descend upon Jerusalem for desolation. Will the Christians escape the city before the demons of hell are unleashed?

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2017
ISBN: 978-1942858287
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
Resistant: Revolt of the Jews

The book of Revelation is revealed by God in first century Israel.

It’s A.D. 67. Nero’s Roman armies plunder the land of Israel, led by General Vespasian and his son Titus, whose ruthless strategy threatens his affair with Jewish princess Berenice.

Christians Alexander and Cassandra return to Jerusalem to help the sick, wounded and orphans of war. But they are opposed by the apostate Jacob, who hates Christians and wants to make them suffer.

The Two Witnesses begin their proclamation of God’s judgment as the Roman abomination of desolation approaches the holy city.

The trumpets are sounding, the seals are broken and the bowls are poured out.

The four angels bound at the river Euphrates are about to be unleashed with the demons of hell.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2018
ISBN: 978-1942858355
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
Judgment: Wrath of the Lamb

The book of Revelation finally makes sense.

It’s the end of the world. Would you sacrifice your husband to save your children?

It’s A.D. 70. The abominable Roman armies surround the holy city of Jerusalem. The end is near.

Famine, plagues and civil war tear the Jewish people apart from within.

Christian doctor Alexander stays in Jerusalem to help the sick and wounded, as the evil apostate Jacob plans to murder him.

Alexander’s wife Cassandra tries to leave the safety of her hidden city Pella to help her husband in Jerusalem, only to discover that she’s not safe from supernatural evil.

And neither are her children.

The Two Witnesses finish their proclamations of God’s judgment.

The final trumpet has sounded, the final seal broken, the final bowl poured out.


Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2018
ISBN: 978-1942858423
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing

Chronicles of the Nephilim

Noah Primeval

Nephilim Giants, Watchers, Archangels. This is Not Your Sunday School Noah’s Ark.

In an ancient world of darkness, fallen angels called Watchers rule as gods and breed giants called Nephilim.

Noah, a tribal leader and good family man, just wants to be left alone to make a living off the land with his wife and sons.

But he soon learns that evil never leaves you alone. It comes after you--and your family--with a vengeance.

Now Noah must rescue his family from the grip of supernatural evil before the Deluge comes and carries them all away.

A wild ride of spiritual redemption and action-adventure that takes the reader on a journey from the heights of heaven to the depths of the underworld.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2011
ISBN: 978-0615550787
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
Enoch Primordial

In a Dark World, One Man is Called by God: Enoch.

Holy Man. Wise Sage. Giant Killer.

Before Noah, before the Flood, the world is wicked beyond imagination.

Fallen angels called Watchers rule as gods and breed evil offspring called Nephilim giants.

But one man stands out from the rest: Enoch, he who walks with God, but also loves his wife and family with all his heart.

Then God gives Enoch a frightening duty: He and his family must become giant-killers.

But those very monsters are now coming after them.

And they’re not stopping -- until they push their way back to Eden.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2012
ISBN: 978-0985930929
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
Gilgamesh Immortal

The Ancient Epic of Gilgamesh Brought to Life.

In the ancient world after the Flood, the sons of Noah fill the earth. Wickedness reigns.

One giant warrior king named Gilgamesh sets out on an epic journey to seek eternal life in a land filled with death.

Accompanied by his only friend, the wild-man Enkidu, his quest takes them from a giant’s forest, to the mountain of the gods, to the Path of the Sun in the Underworld...

And ultimately to a distant magical island to find the one man granted divine favor during the Deluge: Noah.

The secret Gilgamesh discovers will change history forever.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2012
ISBN: 978-0985930943
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
Abraham Allegiant

The Forefather and Patriarch You Thought You Knew.

After the Great Flood, the giant king Nimrod builds the Tower of Babel and unites the world in rebellion against the Creator.

But God has other plans.

He chooses a simple nomad Abraham as next in the line of the Seed of Promise.

So Nimrod sets out to find Abraham and kill him in order to thwart God’s plan forever.

Abraham flees to Canaan, a land of Nephilim giants of Genesis 6, and the Watchers rule as gods.

Sodom and Gomorrah is the flashpoint for the Watchers’ next diabolical plan for the Seed of the Serpent.

The War of the Seed is rising. Get it now and join the battle!

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2013
ISBN: 978-0985930981
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
Joshua Valiant

It Takes Men of Giant Faith to Face the Giants of Canaan.

After four hundred years of slavery in Egypt, the Israelites are prepared to enter the land of Canaan.

There’s only one problem: It’s crawling with giants.

They’re the Seed of the Serpent with many clans: Anakim, Rephaim, Zuzim and others.

Two Israelites, Joshua and Caleb, have the faith to lead Israel against these monsters.

Their first target: King Og of Bashan, the last of the mighty Rephaim giants.

But the goddess he worships has plans to annihilate Israel with an evil occultic army.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2013
ISBN: 978-0985930998
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
Caleb Vigilant

Giant Walls Will Come Tumbling Down.

Joshua’s first target in Canaan: The impenetrable mighty walls of Jericho.

God has been preparing a Canaanite harlot named Rahab to help Israel.

You only think you know her story.

Rahab has fallen in love with an Israelite warrior whose child she bears in the line of Messiah.

Unfortunately, the Anakim giants of Canaan have discovered Rahab’s identity and have sent assassins to take her out.

This is what the War of the Seed has been building towards.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2013
ISBN: 978-0991143412
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
David Ascendant

Six Giant Assassins. Goliath Was Only the First.

Everyone thinks they know the story of David.

No one has heard it told this way before.

In the days of Samuel, Israel’s worst enemy is the Philistines: bloodthirsty worshippers of Dagon the fish god.

Goliath is but one member of an elite warrior cult of six giants, The Sons of Rapha, whose sole ambition is to kill the promised messiah king of Israel.

As David rises, he must flee the demon-possessed King Saul, avoid assassination, withstand the seduction of a Philistine queen, conquer the last of the giants in Israel and overcome his own weakness for many wives.

This gritty romantic action-adventure story will take you places in the Bible you’ve never seen before.

There is so much more to the story than you ever realized.

The War of the Seed continues.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2014
ISBN: 978-0991143467
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
Jesus Triumphant

A Novel of Christ’s Victory Over the Powers.

The story of Christ like you’ve never heard it before.

Told through the eyes of the two thieves on the cross and the spiritual warfare hidden from mortal men but seen by Mary Magdalene.

It starts with the temptation in the desert by Satan and ends with Christ’s descent into Hades, his resurrection and his ascension.

What happened to Jesus when he died? What did he do in Hades those three days? Who were the train of captives in his ascension? Now, you’ll find out.

The story of Jesus Christ is told in the context of the Biblical motif of Messiah taking back the inheritance of the nations from the principalities and powers.

When it comes to spiritual warfare, Jesus was no pacifist.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2015
ISBN: 978-1942858027
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing

Watchers, The Nephilim, and the Cosmic War of the Seed

When Giants Were Upon the Earth

An Exploration of the Strange and Odd Supernatural Things in the Bible.

For those who want serious study of the topics of Genesis 6, the Watchers, Nephilim, Sons of God, fallen angels, Spiritual Warfare, and the Biblical Cosmic War of the Seed.

The Book of Enoch: Scripture, Heresy or What?

Bonus Chapter. How influential the ancient book of Enoch has been on the Church and the New Testament.

Sons of God (Expanded)

Are the Sons of God in Genesis 6 angels, Sethites or divine kings?

The Nephilim (Expanded)

This chapter explores everywhere giants appear in the Bible.


The notion of a sea dragon of chaos is universal in the ancient Near East and the Bible. What is its theological meaning?

Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography in the Bible

Did the Bible writers assume the ancient Mesopotamian view of a flat earth supported by pillars over an Underworld with a solid dome overhead?

Retelling Bible Stories and Mythic Imagination

Ancient Jewish writers retold Bible stories to bring meaning to their world.

Gilgamesh and the Bible

A look at what the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh has in common with the Bible.

In Defense of Ancient Traditions

The legends behind the Tower of Babel and Nimrod. The ancient book of Jasher.

Mythical Monsters in the Bible

A look at mythical creatures in the Bible: Satyrs, centaurs, Lilith, winged fiery serpents, and Azazel. Famous Biblical giants.

Canaanite Baal and Old Testament Storytelling Polemics

How Bible writers subverted Canaanite Baal to elevate Yahweh as the true God.

Goliath was Not Alone

A closer look at Goliath. But there are five other giants who hunted David. And who were the Lion Men of Moab?

Jesus and the Cosmic War

Satan as “god of this world.” Christ’s war on the Watchers. Christ’s descent into Sheol with victory over the Powers.

The Geography of Hades

A look into the underworld as presented in pagan myths, and the Bible. Gehenna, Sheol.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2014
ISBN: 978-0991143443
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing
When Watchers Ruled the Nations

For those who want serious study of the topics of the Unseen Realm in the Bible:

The divine council of the gods.

The authority of the Watchers, Sons of God.

Territorial spirits and the inheritance of the nations.

Angels and demons, principalities and powers, spiritual warfare.

Host of heaven, Shining Ones and the stars.

Leviathan the sea dragon of chaos vs. creation.

The gods of Canaan and Jezebel vs. Yahweh and Elijah.

Child sacrifice in Israel and the cult of the dead.

The gods of Egypt and Pharaoh vs. Yahweh and Moses.

The truth about the ten plagues and the Exodus.

The connection between ancient China, the Tower of Babel and the Bible.

Dragons and the Babylonian Magi in China.

The cosmic spiritual war between the Seed of the Serpent and the Seed of Messiah.

Author: Brian Godawa
First Release: 2020
ISBN: 978-1942858829
Publisher: Embedded Pictures Publishing